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Answer Save 9 Answers Relevance Andres K 1 decade ago Favorite Answer If im not wrong, thats the formula for current Current in an electrical circuit is the amount of charge with respect to time That is charge per time So the unit for current is A, whereas A is C/s, where C isI/Q signals, or I/Q data, are a fundamental element of RF communications systems In RF communications systems, I/Q data often represents signals in the timedomain You may find this video helpful if any of the following apply to you You want to learn about the basic building blocks of RF communications systems You want to understand more about I/Q data, quadrature amplitude modulation (QAMM Y S T I Q U E 5 likes · 10 talking about this · 7 were here Bar & More Ulaz slobodan Dobna granica 21 Rezervacije #mystiquezadar

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